


Wootton Business Park, Wootton, Abingdon, OX13 6FD






The construction of an office building and associated refuse store, cycle store, plant enclosure and car parking and 58 residential units with car parking and associated landscaping across the site (As per amended plans received 20 August 2021 and 20 October 2021).



Val Shaw



Oakhill Group Limited



Hanna Zembrzycka-Kisiel






It is recommended that authority to grant planning permission is delegated to the head of planning subject to:



1.    A section 106 legal agreement being entered into to secure financial contributions towards local infrastructure and improving visitor infrastructure at Nature Reserve, affordable housing and an affordable housing tenure mix of 25% affordable rented and 75% shared ownership, the market housing mix and size of dwellings, public open space and provision of public art.


2.    The following planning conditions:



1.    Commencement of development – three years

2.    Development in accordance with approved plans



3.    Landscape Management Plan

4.    Landscaping (S38 and S278 works)

5.    Details of amount of rooting volume provided for each tree

6.    Detailed sustainable drainage scheme

7.    Foul water drainage scheme

8.    Phased contaminated land risk assessment

9.    Slab levels

10. Tree Protection Plan

11. Construction Traffic Management Plan

12. Community Employment Plan



13. SUDS compliance report

14. Wootton Meadow Management Plan

15. Details of noise control measures

16. Remediation strategy and validation report



17. Foundation depths




18. Contaminated Land Informative

19. Highway Informatives

20. Thames Water

21. Superfast broadband - 30 plus dwellings

Planning Obligations








This application is presented to planning committee due to an objection from Wootton Parish Council.




The application seeks full planning permission for the development of a two -storey office building (approximately 1,010sqm) with associated car parking and landscaping, together with 58 residential units, of which 21 will be affordable.




The application site, approximately 2.0 hectares in size, is located on the north-western edge of Wootton, east of Besselsleigh Road. To the east and south is housing development (Robinson Road and Werrell Drive) and an equipped area of play.  Land to the north is designated as Green Belt. To the south-west, on the western side of Besselsleigh Road, lies Cothill Fen, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), which is a protected fen habitat drained by Sandford Brook. Access to the site is from the existing access off Besselsleigh Road. The site location plan is attached at Appendix 1.




There is an extant planning permission to develop 64 residential properties on the site. Outline planning permission was granted in September 2014 (ref: P13/V0385/O), followed by a reserved matters application that was approved in September 2016 (ref: P16/V0290/RM). This development has lawfully commenced, although is not built out.




This current application is a revised scheme that seeks to replace 6 houses from the consented residential development with a new 1,010sqm office block, and a reconfiguration to the residential layout (resulting in a reduction of 6 units).




The proposed layout largely reflects the previously approved layout, save the south western part of the application site which will accommodate the proposed office building and 11 residential units. The proposed development will be accessed via the existing site access road taken from Besselesleigh Road.




There have been several amendments submitted to address technical objections and concerns to the proposed landscape, drainage and layout.

The proposed layout plan and elevations of the proposed office building are attached at Appendix 2. All other plans are available to view online at








A full summary of the responses received to the current proposal is below. A full copy of all the comments made can be seen online at


Wootton Parish Council

Re-consultation (October 2021)


No further comments received


Re-consultation (August 2021)



  • Remain concerned with design and layout with regards to density and poorly located and designed access for cars, bin lorries, and emergency vehicles
  • Remain concerned that the design and layout of car parking for residents and visitors in that there is not enough causing cars to park on pavements resulting further exacerbating the first reason for objection.
  • Lack of car parking for commercial building
  • Concerns regarding traffic speeds and lack of traffic calming measures proposed, and no allowances made for bus turning.


Original comments (April 2021)



  • Design and layout with regards to density and poorly located and designed access for cars, bin lorries, and emergency vehicles
  • Design and layout of car parking for residents and visitors in that there is not enough causing cars to park on pavements resulting further exacerbating the first reason for objection.
  • Traffic issues and impact on highway and pedestrian safety. Roundabout at entrance to the development to be provided and crossing on Besselsleigh Road.
  • It makes no allowance to meet Neighbourhood Plan Policies DG3.3, IN3.3, DG3.2 and DG3.6.
  • The application has not satisfactory discharged previous conditions of planning with regards to contamination.
  • There are further areas of the application we have concerns about regarding Design relating to an adjacent pumping station and impacts on residential amenity in terms of odour, noise and nuisance.
  • Concerns regarding Section 106 money.


St Helen Without Parish Council


Re-consultation (October 2021)


No further comments received


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No further comments received


Original comments (April 2021)



  • Concerns regarding traffic speeds and impact on highway and pedestrian safety
  • Roundabout and pedestrian crossing at the junction of Besselsleigh Road to be provided
  • Supports WPC’s reasons for objection




Re-consultation (August 2021)


Two letters have been received raising the following concerns:

  • Impact of development on residential amenity
  • Overshadowing of gardens on Robinson Road
  • Overlooking and loss of privacy
  • Overdevelopment
  • Insufficient parking provision
  • Lack of green space
  • Impact on nature reserve
  • Increase in traffic and impact upon the local network
  • Impact on air quality
  • Highway and pedestrian safety concerns
  • Need for an additional office


Original comments (April 2021)


Five letters have been received raising the following concerns:


  • Insufficient parking provision
  • Loss of privacy
  • Lack of details of access for Fire Brigade
  • Overshadowing and loss of light
  • Noise pollution increase
  • Increase in air pollution and impact on air quality
  • Highway and pedestrian safety concerns
  • Lack of traffic calming measures
  • Flats to be 2-storey in height
  • Drainage
  • Impact upon schools
  • Impact on nature reserve and harm to wildlife habitats
  • Overdevelopment


Oxfordshire County Council


Re-consultation (October 2021)



No objection, subject to conditions, S106 contributions and S278 works (see original comments)



No objection


Local Lead Flood Authority (22 November 2021)

No objection:

  • The calculations for summer value remain at 0.75. This should be corrected, and the results checked for compatibility.
  • Otherwise, the scheme seems generally acceptable


Re-consultation (August 2021)



No objection, subject to conditions, S106 contributions and S278 works (see original comments)


Local Lead Flood Authority

Holding objection:

  • Incorrect values have been applied to calculations



No objection


Original comments (April 2021)



No objection, subject to conditions, S106 contributions and S278 works:

  • Full details of internal road layout, including swept path analysis
  • Full details of on-street parking
  • Full details of off-street vehicle and cycle parking
  • Construction Traffic Management Plan
  • Travel Plan Statement and Residential Travel Information Pack


Local Lead Flood Authority


  • Maximum space for infiltration should be utilised
  • Insufficient information provided on existing pond
  • Incorrect Cv values and climate change allowance was applied to calculations;
  • An allowance of 10% should be applied for Urban Creep;
  • More detailed Flood Exceedance flow paths plan should be provided



No objection, subject to S106 contributions



No objection



Urban Design Officer


Re-consultation (October 2021)


No further comments received


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Boundary treatments and landscaping


Original comments (April 2021)


Holding objection. Concerns regarding layout, landscaping amenity space, materials, and connections with adjacent residential area.


Landscape Architect

Re-consultation (October 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • A Condition is required to cover a plan illustrating the exact location and amount of rooting volume provided for each tree. The proposed use of Silva Cells is appropriate, but it does not indicate where and how much rooting volume will be provided.
  • Other Conditions are required to cover the location of the proposed street lighting and services with regards to tree planting positions and a Landscape Management Plan.


Re-consultation (August 2021)


Holding objection:

  • The revised planting plants do not indicate the associated rooting volumes for the proposed trees. There are many areas where rooting volumes of the proposed trees are restricted, rooting volumes need to be designed into the site s layout at this stage.
  • The amended layout in the south western corner has issues, with the amount of proposed rear boundaries along the footpath route and onto the POS restricts informal supervision of these areas. The relationship between the boundary alignment and the adjacent space at plots 7 and 11 is poor.
  • Plot 7 should have walling rather than fencing.
  • The proximity between oak and the proposed plots should be checked, as oak is a large a growing species. It should also be checked if highways are happy with this tree.
  • There is no indication of where lighting columns are proposed. Lighting positions and street tree design needs to go hand in hand to prevent conflicts.


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • The plans should be updated to provide the same tree planting information as covered in the P17/V0913/DIS or a Condition Applied to cover this.
  • The standard Landscape Management Condition is required to ensure that the site is properly maintained, and it is clear who will be responsible for the maintenance of different areas of the site especially the amenity areas of planting and seating.
  • Limited POS is provided on this site, the previous Outline application was linked to providing an area of POS to the north to help redirect people away from the more ecologically sensitive landscape to the west. This was covered in P16/0291/DIS application. The provision of this area should be linked to this application.
  • New s106 should reflect the changes in the requirement to the play areas that have been introduced since the original s106 was granted.


Drainage Engineer

Re-consultation (October 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Detailed sustainable drainage scheme to be submitted
  • SUDS compliance report to be submitted
  • Foul water drainage scheme to be submitted


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Detailed sustainable drainage scheme to be submitted
  • SUDS compliance report to be submitted
  • Foul water drainage scheme to be submitted


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Detailed sustainable drainage scheme to be submitted
  • Foul water drainage scheme to be submitted


Waste management Officer


Re-consultation (October 2021)

No objection


Re-consultation (August 2021)


Holding objection

  • Access to bin stores
  • Reverse tracking is in excess of recommended distance
  • Turning areas over driveways not suitable
  • Communal collection point


Original comments (April 2021)


Holding objection

  • Swept path analysis shows waste collection vehicles driving through vegetation. Turning areas to stay within the highway boundary
  • Bike and bin stores to be separate
  • Bin store details to be shown
  • Location of litter bins
  • S106 contribution of 170 per property


Countryside Officer

Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions and obligations

  • Foundation depth to be no lower than 93.0 AOD
  • Habitat Management Plan for Wootton Meadow
  • A s106 financial contribution to BBOWT towards improving the visitor infrastructure at Lashford Lane Fen Nature Reserve, to alleviate recreational pressure.


Original comments (April 2021)


Holding objection

  • Additional information will be required to demonstrate no likely significant effects on the SAC;
  • BBOWT should be consulted on this application
  • The full biodiversity metric assessment should be submitted for review
  • A s106 financial contribution made towards improving the visitor infrastructure at Lashford Lane Fen Nature Reserve, to alleviate recreational pressure.


Air Quality


Re-consultation (August 2021)


Holding objection

  • Air Quality Assessment to be submitted


Original comments (April 2021)


Holding objection

  • Air Quality Assessment to be submitted


Contaminated Land

Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Phased contaminated land risk assessment
  • Remediation strategy and validation report


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection


Environmental Health

Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Noise levels of all plant, machinery and equipment


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Noise levels of all plant, machinery and equipment


Thames Water Development Control


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject informatives (see original comments)


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection, subject to informatives

  • Water network infrastructure
  • Proximity to sewage pumping station and impact on residential amenity
  • Building over or construction within 3m of water mains informative
  • Working near Thames Water underground assets


Forestry Officer


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Tree protection


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions:

  • Tree protection


Natural England


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions for appropriate mitigation (see original comments)


Original comments (April 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions for appropriate mitigation:

  • A SUDS scheme to maintain/improve infiltration and protect the surface water regime of the SAC
  • Restrictions on the depth of building foundations to protect the flows of ground water feeding the SAC
  • A management plan for Wootton Meadow proposed Local Wildlife Site as an area of suitable alternative natural greenspace to alleviate recreational pressure on the SAC
  • A financial contribution towards improving the visitor infrastructure at Lashford Lane Fen Nature Reserve, to alleviate recreational pressure


Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT)


Re-consultation (August 2021)


No objection, subject to conditions and financial contributions:

  • Management plan for Wootton Meadow proposed Local Wildlife Site
  • Financial contribution towards improving visitor infrastructure at Nature Reserve


Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group


Re-consultation (August 2021)

No further comments received




Original comments (April 2021)



  • This PCN area is already under considerable pressure and this application directly impacts on the ability of these practices to provide primary care services to the increasing population.


  • Requested financial contributions of £51,876 towards Abingdon Central PCN practices expansion plans.


Housing Development


Re-consultation (September 2021)


No objection, subject to legal agreement securing Affordable Housing provision


Original comments (April 2021)

Holding Objection


  • The mix for 21 affordable housing unit across both Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership should be adhered to as per the Housing Team recommendation
  • The proposal should be amended to meet Space Standards


Economic Development


Comments (November 2021)


Support, subject to a community employment plan being secured by a condition








P17/V0913/DIS - Approved (06/09/2017)

Discharge of conditions 3 - Proposed slab levels, 6 - Arboricultural method statement, 7 - Tree Planting, 8 - Hard & soft landscaping on application ref. P/16/V0290/RM


P16/V0290/RM - Approved (09/09/2016)

Reserved matters application for demolition of existing building and erection of 64 dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping following grant of outline planning permission under reference P13/V0385/O (As amended by plans and information accompanying agent's email of 3 May 2016 and 7 June 2016)


P13/V0385/O - Approved (11/09/2014)

Outline application for demolition of existing building and erection of up to 64 dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping.


P02/V0731/O - Approved (24/09/2004)

Mixed use redevelopment of site to provide 9500 square metres of Class B1 floor space,(excluding plant accommodation within the roofspace) 99 residential units and 4.85 hectares of community open space. New vehicular access and landscaping. (Site Area approx. 10 hectares).



Pre-application History

P20/V0993/PEM - Advice provided (23/06/2020)

Erection of office building





The development does not include more than 1 hectare of urban (non-residential) development and the site area does not exceed 5ha in size and the total number of residential units is below 150. Therefore, the proposed development is below the thresholds set out in Schedule 2 10(b) of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. Consequently, the proposal is not EIA development.





The main issues are:


  • The principle of development
  • Affordable housing and market housing mixes
  • Design and Layout
  • Residential amenity
  • Landscape and visual impact
  • Highway safety, traffic and parking
  • Flood risk and drainage
  • Biodiversity
  • Air Quality
  • Contamination
  • Financial contributions



Principle of development


Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 provides that the local planning authority shall have regard to the provisions of the development plan, so far as material to the application, and to any other material considerations. The development plan for this proposal currently comprises the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (the LPP1) and the Local Plan 2031 Part 2 (the LPP2) and Wootton and St Helen Without Neighbourhood Plan.



There is an extant planning permission to develop 64 residential properties on the site. Outline planning permission was granted in September 2014 under application reference P13/V0385/O, followed by a reserved matters application that was approved in September 2016 under application reference P16/V0290/RM. This permission has lawfully commenced, although not built out. As such the principle of development has been already established and agreed.



The proposed development now includes a new office building of approximately 1,010sq m in size, located alongside the existing office building, Lashford Court.



The Wootton Business Park site was originally allocated within the Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2011, as set out in Policy E11: Rural Multi-User Sites.  Local Plan 2031 Part 1, Core Policy 6 also identifies the site as contributing to the District’s employment land needs by reference to the saved Local Plan 2011 policy (E11).



Following LPP1 adoption, LPP2 considered the remaining saved policies of the former 2011 plan and whether they should be taken forward. It was considered that saved policy E11 would not be taken forward as Core Policies 28 and 29 of the LPP1 provides flexibility to enable appropriate unallocated existing employment sites to come forward.



Therefore, the Local Plan 2031 does not allocate Wootton Business Park for employment.  It should also be noted the plan does not identify Wootton Business Park as a strategic employment site, which is set out in the respective sub area strategy policies in the LPP1 (Core Policies 8,15 and 20).



As this site is not allocated for employment use, either Core Policy 28 or 29 therefore apply. As there is an extant residential proposal on the site, the proposal would be assessed against Core Policy 28 - New Employment Development on Unallocated Sites.



Core Policy 28 sets out that proposals for new employment development (Use Classes B1, B2 or B8) will be supported on unallocated sites in or on the edge of, the built-up area of Market Towns, Local Service Centres and Larger and Smaller Villages provided that the benefits are not outweighed by any harmful impacts, taking account the following:


i.              the effect on the amenity of nearby residents and occupiers

ii.    the provision of safe site access for pedestrians and cyclists and for all types on vehicles likely to visit the sites, and measures to promote the use of sustainable modes of transport where possible, and

iii.   the scale, nature and appearance of the employment development and its relationship with the local townscape and/ or landscape character.



In addition, Neighbourhood Plan Policy NI5.3 supports the expansion of existing businesses and provision of new business opportunities. Therefore, subject to the requirements under criteria (i) -(iii) of Core Policy 28 being satisfactorily complied with, it is considered that the principle of the development is acceptable.




It is however material to note the number of residential properties has been reduced in this current proposal from that previously approved by six units. Officers consider that the proposed reduction of residential properties would not be harmful to overall housing supply to warrant refusal when the benefits of the commercial use is considered, whereby the delivery of a new office building would create jobs and support the local economy.



Affordable Housing and Market Housing


Affordable housing provision

Core policy 24 of the LPP1 requires 35% of the proposed dwellings to be affordable dwellings. 35% of the proposed units equates to 20.3 dwellings. The applicant is offering 21 affordable dwellings to be delivered on site in lieu of a part financial contribution, which is acceptable. The tenure split will be policy compliant at 75% social or affordable rented and 25% shared ownership and will be evenly distributed across the site. Affordable housing will be secured through a s.106 legal agreement.




Affordable housing mix

Core policy 22 of the LPP1 states:


“A mix of dwelling types and sizes to meet the needs of current and future households will be required on all new residential developments. This should be in accordance with the Council’s current Strategic Housing Market Assessment unless an alternative approach can be demonstrated to be more appropriate through the Housing Register or where proven to be necessary due to viability constraints.”



The applicant’s proposed affordable housing mix shown in the table below has been agreed with the council’s housing development team and is acceptable:


No of bedrooms

1 bed


2 persons)

2 beds


4 persons)

2 beds (House,

 4 persons)

3 beds


5 persons)







Shared ownership








Market Housing Mix

The table below compares the market housing mix previously approved with that in this current application:


No of bed



















The market housing mix differs from the approved scheme by providing seven 4+bedrooms properties, instead of eight.  This is considered acceptable.



Space standards


Since the original scheme was consented, the LPP2 has been adopted, which introduced Development Policy 2 that relates to space standards. An evaluation of the previously approved scheme and the current proposal has been undertaken by the applicant, to establish the size of the dwellings proposed and how these compare to the space standards identified in DP2.



The accommodation schedule that accompanies the application indicates all properties meet nationally described space standards and comply with policy DP2 along with the requirements of Neighbourhood Plan Policy IN1.2.  The size of dwellings is therefore acceptable.



Design and Layout


Residential dwellings

The proposal broadly follows the layout approved under previous planning permissions (ref. P13/V0385/O and ref. P16/V0290/RM). The current proposal illustrates walkable perimeter blocks in a very similar block layout and pattern of development as previously approved. The changes introduced to the layout of the current proposal are located to the west and southern corner of the application site. These changes do not fundamentally alter its design with regards to the street hierarchy or block pattern.



The scheme has been amended to address comments raised by the Landscape Officer, Urban Design Officer and Waste Management Officer. The amended plans are considered acceptable, and earlier concerns raised have been satisfactorily addressed.



CP23 of the LPP1 expects a minimum density of 30dph unless this would have an adverse impact on the character of the area. The proposed scheme meets the required density and is not considered to have an adverse impact on the character of the area. The scheme maintains the design principles and overall understanding and rationale of the wider site’s context.



Dwellings are 2 or 2-½ storeys in height, which is generally reflective of the housing in Deerhurst Park and the surrounding area and accords with Principle DG51 of the Design Guide. 



Roof pitches are of simple double pitched design in line with Design Guide advice, whilst the use of dormer windows is acceptable and accords with Principle DG59 of the Design Guide. Roof forms are appropriate to the scale of development proposed.   



The character, materiality and overall architectural form of house types are maintained and kept in line with the previously approved scheme. Materials for the proposed houses show good variation. The composition of architectural

features and detailing ensures an acceptable sense of character and is in keeping with the approved development.



Officers have no objection to the scale of the proposed housing, which combines with the layout to create an acceptable development.



Office Building


The proposed office building will be two storeys in height and will be located to the south of the existing business unit. It will provide overall gross area of flexible floorspace of approximately 1,010sqm.



The design of the office building follows the principles outlined within the adopted Council’s Design Guide, in particular Section 9: “Commercial and Employment areas”. In this section of the Design Guide emphasis is placed on the simplicity of form and a contemporary design language.



The proposed material palette reflects the overall design aesthetic, using sustainable materials that will create crisp, considered elevations. Necessary features, including brise soleil for solar control and louvres for mechanical extract, are carefully integrated. At ground level the building will sit on a precast plinth, creating an interface with the perimeter paving.



There will be 33 car parking spaces provided, including two disabled spaces and eight electric charging points. Provision for cycles will be 9 individual ‘Sheffield’ type stands, each capable of accommodating 2 bicycles. The level of provision for car and cycle parking is acceptable.




In response to the Urban Design Officer and Landscape Officer comments the landscaping scheme has been revised with additional soft landscape has been provided. Further to that boundary treatments have been introduced to address the comments from both officers.



In response to the Waste Management Team’s comments, the proposed layout of the part of the proposal in the southern corner of the site, has been amended to provide manoeuvring space for waste vehicles, as well as improved access to the proposed bin collection points. 



Officers are satisfied that overall, the layout incorporates adequate road links and parking. The proposal is considered acceptable in design and compliant with policies CP23, CP37, CP38 and CP44 of the LPP1, the Design Guide, the NPPF and the relevant design policies in the Wootton and St Helen Without Neighbourhood Plan.



Residential Amenity


Local plan policy DP23 of the LPP2 seeks to prevent development that would result in a loss of privacy, daylight, or sunlight for neighbouring properties or that would cause dominance or visual intrusion for neighbouring properties and the wider environment. Design principles DG63-64 of the Design Guide pertain to amenity, privacy and overlooking.



The proposed dwellings would not lead to an unacceptable loss of privacy or unwelcome overlooking of any existing property. Within the development, back-to-back (21 metres) are achieved in line with the Design Guide recommendations.



Residents of this scheme will have easy access to the meadows (4.85ha) just to the north of this site, which acts as the agreed public open space for this site. This has already been secured by way of a S106 agreement attached to the consented residential scheme and will be secured again under a new Legal Agreement. Further to that, immediately to the southern boundary of the application site is located a local play area. Financial contributions towards the maintenance of the existing play area were not required under the previous scheme, therefore, similarly there is no requirement for them now.  



Thames Water have identified that Plots 16, 17, 20 and 24 are within 20 metres of the existing Thames Water Sewage Pumping Station. Thames Water have highlighted this is contrary to best practice outlined in their industry guidance. In their comments Thames Water advise Future occupiers of the development should be made aware that they could periodically experience adverse amenity impacts from the pumping station in the form of odour; light; vibration and/or noise.”.



The location of units 16,17,20 and 24 is the same as per the previous approved scheme, to which Thames Water did not object and the Council’s Environmental Health Officer does not object to the proposal. Furthermore, existing properties in Deerhurst Park are located within the 20m radius of the foul pumping station. Moreover, given that the extant planning permission could be constructed by the applicant, with the approved residential properties being in the same location, on balance the current proposal is considered acceptable. 



Landscape and Visual Impact


Although, there is no objection in principle form the Council’s Landscape Officer, in her comments she has raised a holding objection due to the planting plans not indicating the associated rooting volumes for the proposed trees. Whilst amended plans have been submitted, the Landscape Officer advises these have not fully addressed comments made previously.



Planning conditions therefore are needed, requiring a plan illustrating the exact location and amount of rooting volume provided for each tree; a plan illustrating the location of the proposed street lighting and services with regards to tree planting positions and to provide a Landscape Management Plan (which includes the implementation details of the landscape on site).



Overall, officers have no objections to the landscaping scheme proposed, subject to further details being secured by conditions to achieve compliance with policy CP44 of the LPP1 and Neighbourhood Plan Policy DG3.1.




Flood Risk and drainage


The Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the application confirms that the site lies within Flood Zone 1 and is at a low risk of flooding.



The District Council’s Drainage Engineer has raised no objection, subject to conditions.  The proposal accords with policy CP42 of the LPP1 and is acceptable in drainage and flood risk terms.













Thames Water advise that there is an inability of the existing water network infrastructure to supply the needs of the development. They recommend an additional Grampian condition, stating that “No development shall be occupied until confirmation has been provided that either:


- all water network upgrades required to accommodate the additional flows to serve the development have been completed; or

- a development and infrastructure phasing plan has been agreed with Thames Water to allow development to be occupied.


Where a development and infrastructure phasing plan is agreed no occupation shall take place other than in accordance with the agreed housing and infrastructure phasing plan”. This will be secured via planning condition imposed to planning permission.



Officers note that similar planning conditions requested by Thames Water under the previous scheme, have been already agreed and discharged (Ref. P16/V0291/DIS) and further detail is not necessary.



Traffic, parking and highway safety


As mentioned in previous sections of this report, the proposed layout reflects the approved scheme and will be served by an existing access point obtained from Besselsleigh Road. This is an established access with a splay dimension relevant for the context and including a ghost island.



Oxfordshire County Council as Highway Authority has not objected to the proposal in respect of traffic generation and highway safety, but requests conditions and contributions.



Parking provision for both residential and the office building are acceptable. Associated parking will be provided on driveways and in garages with some 165 spaces are proposed for the whole development. This was also confirmed to be acceptable by the Local Highway Authority.


It has been recommended that the EV charging points are considered for the office development. The applicant has stated that provision for EV charging points is included for the office building. 



A S106 agreement exists for the previous residential application for the site (P13/V0385/O), which includes a transport contribution of £50,000.00 for: "the provision or improvement of public transport services and/or infrastructure serving Wootton and/or highway infrastructure provision or improvements serving Wootton". This contribution will be carried forward and updated to: "retention and/or improvement of public transport services in Wootton".



Officers note that, in their comments, Wootton Parish Council object to the proposal on the grounds of inadequate layout that does not consider appropriate access for cars, bin lorries, and emergency vehicles. Wootton Parish Council also raise concerns that the design and layout of car parking for residents and visitors is not enough, leading to cars on pavements, a lack of car parking for commercial use and no allowances for bus turning.











Despite local concern, the amended plans provide adequate turning and manoeuvring space for larger vehicles. The council’s waste management team have confirmed no objections on this point, as have OCC Highways. Officers also advise that vehicle turning and manoeuvring was covered in detail by a pre-commencement condition attached to the outline consent, and subsequently discharged under planning application ref. P16/V0291/DIS, before development commenced on the site.  As such a refusal on this ground would be difficult to defend and officers have no objections to this application on highway safety grounds.





To the west of the site is Lashford Lane Fen, an SSSI which forms part of the Cothill Fen special area of conservation (SAC), all drained by Lashford Brook. The site naturally drains towards the brook and there is clear potential for the proposed development to affect the water quality of the fen. There is also potential for future residents to increase visitor pressure on the fen. One of the main consideration for the principle of development under the previous proposals was to ensure that the development does not lead to a degradation in the ecological value of the SSSI and SAC.



The site also adjoins Wootton Meadow, which is proposed to be a local wildlife site. Conditions are suggested concerning details of drainage, depth of foundations, and a management plan for Wootton Meadow. These are designed to protect the drainage of the fen and to encourage visitor use of Wootton Meadow as an alternative.



The Countryside Officer, Natural England and Berkshire Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) raise no objection to the proposal, subject to conditions and financial contributions.



Consistent with the pervious permission on site the section 106 agreement would include financial contributions to BBOWT, the landowner and manager of the nearby Lashford Lane Fen nature reserve, a constituent part of the SAC, for improvements to the site infrastructure. In 2014, this was costed at £5,796. As a minimum, an inflation increase should be applied to this amount.



Similarly, planning conditions that require a submission of the Wootton Meadow Management Plan and to ensure that the foundations of the development are no lower than 93.0 AOD can be imposed to any planning permission given.



Air Quality


The Environmental Health Officer has raised a holding objection and requested the submission of the Air Quality Assessment (AQA). The application site is not located within the Air Quality Management Area and the Air Quality Assessment was not requested under the previous scheme.



Therefore, Officers consider that this request is not justified and lack of provision of AQA would not warrant a reason for refusal.



Contaminated Land

Policy DP27 of the LPP2 requires developers to address all land contamination risks to the development, environment, controlled waters, and adjacent land associated with the development.



The submitted information, comprising both a Phase I and Phase II contaminated land report (ref. 41532R2, August 2012 and ref. 41603R1, July 2013 respectively) have previously been reviewed under P13/V0385/O. Given the time that has passed since these investigations, and having consideration of the above, it is recommended that a further site walkover and risk assessment is undertaken, to assess the current state of the land’s condition. This can be secured by a planning condition to ensure compliance with policy DP27.




Public Art

Policy DP20 of the LPP2 requires proposals for all major development to provide public art that makes a significant contribution towards the appearance of the scheme or character of the area, or which benefits the local community. Officers are confident the site can successfully accommodate public art to accord with policy DP20, and further detail can be determined by condition and / or through a S106 legal agreement.



Financial contribution requests

The NPPF advises that planning obligations should only be sought where they meet all of the following tests in paragraph 56:


                     I.        Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;

                    II.        Directly related to the development; and

                   III.        Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.



Core Policy 7 of LPP1 provides that development will only be permitted where the necessary physical infrastructure and service requirements to support the development can be secured.



A new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule has been adopted and implemented from 1 November 2021.



CIL is a levy charged on new development in the district; the money raised will be used to fund infrastructure and support growth. In general, off-site mitigation would be sought via CIL and on-site elements and direct mitigation would be sought via a S106 agreement. This site is located within Zone 1: Eastern Parishes and is liable for CIL charges.



The CIL charging schedule identifies that the proposed development will be charged at a rate of £280 per square metre of floorspace (index linked as of November 2021). CIL will be charged for the 6,732 square metres gross internal floorspace proposed with a total of £ £1,884,960.00 (index linked as of November 2021).



The following developer contributions are considered fair and proportionate and should be secured though a section 106 agreement and update those secured previously:


District Council

Amount (£)

Waste bin provision



Public art

£12,800 (already paid with earlier permission)


Street naming of this development


£803.60 (already paid with earlier permission)


Lashford Lane Fen



S106 monitoring fee








Oxfordshire County Council

Amount (£)

Public Transport for the retention and/or improvement of public transport services in Wootton




£210,717 (already paid with earlier permission)


General Infrastructure


£41,983 (already paid with earlier permission)

S106 monitoring











This application has been determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.



Although the number of residential properties has been reduced in this current proposal from that previously approved by six units. The proposed reduction of residential properties would not be harmful to overall housing supply to warrant refusal when the benefits of the commercial use is considered, whereby the delivery of a new office building would create jobs and support the local economy.



There is an extant planning permission to develop 64 residential properties on the site. Outline planning permission was granted in September 2014 under application reference P13/V0385/O, followed by a reserved matters application that was approved in September 2016 under application reference P16/V0290/RM. This permission has lawfully commenced, although not built out.



The mix of house types is considered policy compliant and affordable housing can be secured through a legal agreement. The scheme is an acceptable design with no unreasonable impacts on existing residents. Pedestrian connections to adjacent sites are proposed. Suitable vehicular access can be provided without detriment to highway safety or severe impacts on the road network.



The site is in flood zone 1 which is the preferred location for housing development in terms of fluvial flooding. An appropriate drainage scheme can be delivered on the site.



Impacts of the development including those for education, biodiversity and public transport can be mitigated through financial contributions.



In conclusion, the proposal is considered to accord with the development plan subject to the imposition of conditions and securing a s106 agreement for infrastructure improvements.




The following planning policies have been taken into account:



Development Plan Policies


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (LPP1) Policies:


CP01  -  Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

CP03  -  Settlement Hierarchy

CP04  -  Meeting Our Housing Needs

CP06  -  Meeting Business and Employment Needs

CP07  -  Providing Supporting Infrastructure and Services

CP08  -  Spatial Strategy for Abingdon-on-Thames and Oxford Fringe Sub-Area

CP28  -  New Employment Development on Unallocated Sites

CP29  -  Change of Use of Existing Employment Land and Premises

CP33  -  Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility

CP35  -  Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP37  -  Design and Local Distinctiveness

CP38  -  Design Strategies for Strategic and Major Development Sites

CP40  -  Sustainable Design and Construction

CP42  -  Flood Risk

CP43  -  Natural Resources

CP44  -  Landscape

CP45  -  Green Infrastructure

CP46  -  Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity



Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 2 (LPP2) Policies:

CP04a - Meeting Our Housing Needs

CP08a - Additional Site Allocations for Abingdon-on-Thames and Oxford Fringe SubArea

CP47a - Delivery and Contingency

DP02  -  Space Standards

DP11  -  Community Employment Plans

DP16  -  Access

DP17  -  Transport Assessments and Travel Plans

DP20  -  Public Art

DP21  -  External Lighting

DP23  -  Impact of Development on Amenity

DP24  -  Effect of Neighbouring or Previous Uses on New Developments

DP25  -  Noise Pollution

DP26  -  Air Quality

DP27  -  Land Affected by Contamination

DP28  -  Waste Collection and Recycling

DP33  -  Open Space

DP34  -  Leisure and Sports Facilities

DP39  -  Archaeology and Scheduled Monuments



Neighbourhood Plan


Wootton and St Helen Without Neighbourhood Plan


Policy SS1 Green Belt

Policy SS3 Local Green Space

Policy SS4 Strategic Vistas

Policy IN1 Housing

-       IN1.1 Housing for younger people

-       IN1.2 Housing for older people and those with additional needs

Policy IN2 Timing of infrastructure

-       IN2.1 Timing of infrastructure

Policy IN3 Transport mitigation

-       IN3.4 Bus service

-       IN3.5 Public Rights of Way

Policy IN4 Transport opportunities

-       IN4.1 Transport opportunities review

-       IN4.2 Reopening connections between settlements

-       IN4.3 Improving provisions for sustainable transport

-       IN4.4 Convenient access for existing residents

Policy IN5 Business infrastructure

-       IN5.1 New facilities within the proposed Garden Village

-       IN5.2 Targeted improvements

-       IN5.3 Business maintenance and growth

-       IN5.4 Rural diversification

-       IN5.5 Broadband

Policy IN6 Community infrastructure

-       IN6.2 Medical facilities

-       IN6.3 Provision for younger people

-       IN6.4 Provision for older people and those with additional needs

Policy DG1 Design for the area

-       DG1.1 Spatial context

-       DG1.2 Temporal context

Policy DG3 Design Requirements

-       DG3.1 Site suitability

-       DG3.2 Resource efficiency

-       DG3.3 Access

-       DG3.4 Security

-       DG3.5 Public spaces

-       DG3.6 Future proofing

-       DG3.7 Design in context

-       DG3.8 Design for wildlife



Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents


Vale of White Horse Design Guide

Developer Contributions  (SPD)– Delivering Infrastructure to Support Development (November 2021)




National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

The National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG)



Other Relevant Legislation


Human Rights Act 1998

The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been taken into account in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report.



Equality Act 2010

In determining this planning application, the Council has regard to its equality obligations including its obligations under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.


Contact officer – Hanna Zembrzycka-Kisiel

Email –

Tel – 01235 442600